Friday, January 27, 2012

Foxes and peacocks and intrepid boy reporters, oh my

This is a random Friday post because I didn't do one on Wednesday.

I had today off work, so attempted to go to the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition. Unfortunately, to have a hope of getting in, you have to start queuing before 7am. Needless to say, I was not there at 7am. So I went to see Tintin instead.

My goal this week is to see Seven Films in Seven Days. This is inspired by the unlimited card you can get at some cinemas here – pay 15 pounds per month and you can watch all the movies you like. This is a pretty good deal, seeing as you can pay up to 12 pounds just to see one movie.

Did I enjoy Tintin? Yes. It was awesome. It has the most epic pirate ship battle I have ever seen. It has witty one-liners. And it has a crane fight. That is a fight, with cranes. I spent most of the movie grinning. It also has pretty impressive motion-capture animation and a good story (courtesy of HergĂ©). It took a bit for me to get used to Tintin’s habit of speaking aloud to himself/Snowy, but that’s what he does in the books and I’m sure some real-life intrepid boy reporters do the same.

Thursday saw two foxes – one in the morning and one at night. Behold a picture of the one in the morning (the fuzzy brown thing amidst the fuzzy brown grass). I was too slow to get a pic of it when it was sniffing around in plain sight.

And the peacock? There's one in the little fenced farm about three minutes walk from my house. I went to see it this afternoon, along with the deer and baby deer and horses and geese.

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